Finding 44:

My story…from 30K ft.

My story, a collection of experience, trauma, unique connection and quest for a happier existence are my qualifications for helping others. It was shortly before my 44th birthday in spring of 2024 that I collided with radical change that allowed me to take my lessons learned through my own journey…and find a way to give them back to the universe.

My childhood was great…until it unravelled in the terminal diagnosis of my father (cancer) while I was 12. This was a marker in time that lead to adolescent chaos, burying my inner child and being sent away to reform school at 14 where I was subject to physical, mental and verbal abuse by both peers and teachers. The exodus of which was attained only by sustaining a severe injury that resulted in most of my toes being amputated. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was being conditioned to understand the “game of life” by observing the behaviour of others.

Over the past 20+ years, I’ve build a successful career on the basis of connecting with people and helping to find solutions to common business problems. Only recently, I realized that I could leverage my existing business acumen along with my desire to help people feel good, by building an interactive foundation for healing. Now, I pursue a new definition of success that drives an internal result versus an external acknowledgement.

Throughout my life, I’ve been collecting stories, anecdotes, experiences and connections. Not only have they helped me to define what’s truly important - JOY! - but these lessons have adjusted my vision to see things are they truly are…and all of the beauty within. This collection of hashmarks on my memory have served as way finder for myself to navigate reading energy around me, feeling my emotions and connecting with the root of them, knowing that my happiness is a priority to me, pursuing an existence led with authenticity and love, deepening my spiritual connections and helping others do the same. I no longer seek external validation and having the best relationship with myself that I’ve ever had.

Through humor, humility, spirituality and love…we can make the path forward brighter for all.

- M.